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Introducing our very first Nature's Nocturn collection official expansion pack!


Nature's Nocturne Spirit of The Elements Roller Pack includes 4 limited edition 0.5 oz spelled oils, one for each element; fire, water, wind, & earth. Crafted with our highest quality carrier oils and ingredients thus far. Carrier oils that can only be found in this collection; they have been specially chosen solely for Nature's Nocturne Spirit of The Elements.


Nature's Nocturne Spirit of the Elements embodies the energies of each element and teaches us to embrace their individual spirits, invoke them, learn from them, and honor them. It is through these efforts that we deepen our connecion to these elemental spirits & the natural world, furthering our knowledge, deepening our powers & gaining new understandings & perspectives.


Each oil is crafted with the intent for each practitioner to build a relationship with each element and open yourself up to recieving and decoding messages from their spirits. They are our teachers, our foundation, our spiritual allys, and our guidance through life and through practice. 


Embrace the spirits of the elements & expand your personal power, discipline, understanding & partnership with them & by doing so become a master of your craft.


Nature's Nocturne Spirit of The Wind: 

The spirit of wind is present, known and unknown. It knows when to be heard and seen & when to exist without anyone's notice. Wind is often underestimated and undervalued, yet its strength and speed is unmatched. Wind is free, untamed, and explorative. He goes where no other can. It is infinite, immeasurable, and invisible. The spirit of wind knows no bounds. He is swift, keen, and playful. Air is felt in the gentle rustle of the leaves flowing in the wind, it is the messenger of change, freedom, and embodies the unpredictable and mischevious energies of the natural world. Air is secretive and vastly underestimated. He can unleash destruction and fury in the stir of a moment, turn calm waters into troublesome tides, or bless a hot summers day with a cool fall breeze. 


A master of versatility, movement, communication, transformation, power, guidance & ancient wisdom. Embrace the wind & see what great mysteries it will whisper to you.


Nature's Nocturne Spirit of Water:

The spirit of water is the essence of all life. She is the force that flows with untold stories. Mysteries held in the depths of her oceans, reflections of the world painted on her surfaces, treasures submerged in her great lakes, strength and might that her rivers carve mountains with, and sad barren lands that her rain revitalizes and fertalizes. She is maternal, nourishing, patient, yet tempermental. She is everchanging, moving, and adaptive to the enviroments she explores, but never any less her true self & form. Eternally boundless and all encompassing, her waves sooth our souls, her currents guide us through our journies, and in her buoyant embrace we find both calm and strength.


Water is the master of emotions, adaptability, healing, abundance, vitality & life force. Without her all life would wither. She is delicate, bountiful, bold, deceitful, & miraculous. Embody water & see what cyclical tales her tides will tell to you.


Nature's Nocturne Spirit of the Earth:

The spirit of earth is maternal. She holds us in an abundant, warm, safe, beautiful blankets of security. She is the firm healer. Our ultimate support system. She is grounded and nurturing, embodying stability & life. Her strength is felt in the presence of towering mountains, fertility felt in luscious rich soils, and endurance portrayed in the vast escape of ancient forests. She is serene, yet formidable. Her energy is flourishing with fertile warm soils bled with veins of glistening minerals and gemstones. She cascades with vines, adorned with flowers, leaves & twigs. She erupts with molten lavas that burn rivers thru ancient rocks & roots. She is enduring & adapive of her constantly shifting seasons. She is home. She is Mother.


Earth is the master of transitions, endurance, abundance, wisdom, & fortitude. She is multi-faceted, coplex, and infinite. She is reincarnation. Welcome the spirit of Earth & find what wonderful wisdoms she will teach to you.


Nature's Nocturne Spirit of Fire:

The spirit of fire is bold, formidable, daring, and vibrant. He is destructive in nature, but controlled and purposeful. Fire blazes new paths and brings ruin to that which shall not withstand. Fire consumes, making its presence known and always leaving signs of its presence. It is heated, ravenous, and strong. The spirit of fire is dynamic, she embodies both warmth and comfort as well as fierce intensity and an unapologetic blaze. His presence is felt in the flicker of our candles and the crackling of a bonfire. Fire encapsulates desire, transformation, and creativity. He can transmute nothing into something that can consume everything. 


Fire is the master of energy, purification, destruction, illumination, vitality, courage & willpower. Fire is the bringer of light, transmutive, divine, and deeply protective. Encompass the spirit of fire & acquire the many inspirations it will illuminate for you. 




Due to the nature of these items, they are not able to be made custom for allergens at this time.

Nature's Nocturne Spirit of The Elements Roller Oil Pack

  • Legal Disclaimer: The items at Jaq's Witchy Ways are hand crafted to be used with the intention of the buyer, Oils are not to be used or intended to be used as a replacement of professional advice and help such as medical, legal, psychological, or business. None of my items are designed to cure or treat any ailments, injuries, or illnesses. Please be careful if pregnant or trying to conceive. It is recommended that products always be patch tested before topical use to avoid possible irritation.

  • Return Policy: Due to the nature of these items craft, they are not available for return. Thank You! If you have any allergies, please contact us prior to purchase. We will reply within 24 hours!

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