Handcrafted using all non-toxic, noncomedogenic-skin & pet-safe ingredients, Jaq created this spelled Laundry Detergent to enhance psychic abilities and spirit communication during dream work; to destress and calm your energy while simultaneously promoting comfort and relaxation, and deepen your connection with oceanic spirits and the spirit of water.
This curio comes in a BPA free 8oz plastic container. It is a powder detergent made from all non-toxic & pet-safe ingredients.
Use 1 tbsp for a small load, and 2-3 for larger loads.
Ingredients: Washing Soda (Sodium Carbonate), Aluminum-free Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate), Borax (sodium borate), Epsom Salt, Unscented plant based coconut castille bar soap, non-toxic, pet-safe, non-irritant essential oils of; Vetiver, Vanilla, and Coconut.
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